The First Of Its Kind Generative AI Solution For Questionnaire Responders

Tailored for the Financial Services industry, Response360 is the first of its kind generative AI solution tailored specifically for responders of DDQs, RFPs and security questionnaires. Leveraging cutting-edge generative AI technology, Response360 dramatically reduces time spent answering questionnaires while increasing the accuracy of responses.

Response360 represents a significant advancement in response management, offering a transformative solution that combines AI-powered precision with operational efficiency. Harnessing the latest in generative AI technology, Response360 streamlines the full response process, cutting response times by 10x, while achieving 90%+ accuracy for responses.

Answers DDQs and Other Questionnaires in Minutes Versus Days

  • Easily converts documents in various formats into digital questionnaires, eliminating the need for manual data entry
  • Automatically handles the digitization of uniquely structured questionnaires to streamline the process of storing and responding within a single platform
Answers DDQs and Other Questionnaires in Minutes Versus Days

Automatically Answer Questionnaires Using CENTRL’s Domain-Trained AI Model With 90+% Accuracy

  • Industry domain-trained AI model empowers Response360 to generate responses to questionnaires in minutes versus days
  • Automatically populates answers from your Answer Library with precision
  • Extracts and generates answers from your documents (policies, reports, etc.) with exceptional accuracy
Automatically Answer Questionnaires Using CENTRL’s Domain-Trained AI Model With 90+% Accuracy

Effortlessly Maintain a Centralized and Reliable Source of Responses

  • Serves as a centralized repository for response content, ensuring accessibility, consistency, and accuracy across teams
  • AI-powered automation updates your Answer Library with proprietary answers
  • Frees teams from the burden of manual content maintenance, ensuring data integrity and reliability
Effortlessly Maintain a Centralized and Reliable Source of Responses

Streamlined Review Process That Customizes to Your Team’s Workflow

  • Provides detailed source references for every pre-filled response for transparency
  • Generates supporting rationale, facilitating informed and efficient reviews
  • Collaboration features allow teams to track changes, ensuring alignment throughout the response process seamlessly
Streamlined Review Process That Customizes to Your Team’s Workflow

Ready to get started?


CENTRL Announces First Of Its Kind AI Powered DDQ Response Solution

CENTRL launches its groundbreaking generative AI solution tailored specifically for responders of Due Diligence Questionnaires (DDQs), security questionnaires, and more. Leveraging cutting-edge generative AI technology, Response360 is a first-to-market solution that dramatically reduces the time spent answering questionnaires while increasing the accuracy of responses.

CentrlGPT - Your AI-Powered Risk Analyst

CentrlGPT is the first of it kind generative AI solution for third party risk and due diligence exclusively for the financial services industry. CentrlGPT leverages the power of Large Language Models to act as a virtual risk analyst for diligence teams to dramatically enhance the efficiency and effectiveness for your risk process. CentrlGPT is designed as a secure risk solution to be trained with your custom risk model.

CENTRL Rolls Out New Auto Populate Feature To Pre-Fill Due Diligence Questionnaires For Its AI-Powered Due Diligence Platform, CentrlGPT

CENTRL announces the launch of its new Auto Populate feature, a major enhancement to CentrlGPT, its advanced AI platform. The Auto Populate feature was designed using Investment Management industry trained Large Language Models to fill a critical need in the due diligence process by automatically populating Due Diligence Questionnaires (DDQs) based on documents or standard DDQs previously received from Managers.

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