
California Privacy Act Compliance

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) of 2018 passed on June 28, 2018, and is now law. The law introduces new privacy rights for consumers and will require companies that conduct business in the State of California.

Due Diligence Best Practices

If your job is to conduct due diligence - whether into a real-estate property, an investment fund, or a borrower - then you are well aware of the manual steps that can bog down the process.

INFOGRAPHIC - 6 ways DD360 can boost your operational efficiency

Are you investing more on manual power to analyze DDQs and assess risks? Experience a superior Operational Due Diligence process with DD360.

GDPR Compliance

The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was effective on May 25, 2018. The sweeping reforms under the GDPR built on the previous data protection principles in the EU member countries.

California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018

Read how businesses will need to modify to comply with CCPA and learn the major provisions of the California Consumer Privacy Act, 2018 (the “CCPA”)

GDPR Compliance Software

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires organizations handling European Union citizens' personal data to keep their data secure and levies large fines to those companies failing to comply.

NYCB Case Study

Read how NYCB has used CENTRL's Assess360 to significantly reduce due diligence costs by automating audit requests.

6 Capabilities Key to B2B File Sharing Success

Many companies share files and data with clients and partners daily. CENTRL guarantees secure sharing of your files.

Where File Sharing Systems and Secure Data Rooms Fail

Cloud-based file sharing is a business imperative for exchanging information between companies. Learn more about limitations of data rooms and file sharing systems.

Information Security Due Diligence

From recent data breaches to increased regulation, conducting information security due diligence on your partners has become a requirement in today's changing world.

INFOGRAPHIC - 8 reasons why you should automate your ODD processes

DD360 — an automated, SaaS solution built by industry experts — boosts your operational efficiency and saves 50% of the time you spend on manual processes.

DD360 - Operational Due Diligence Platform Data Sheet

Key features of CENTRL operational due diligence solution that delivers greater efficiency and enhanced risk management. View or download PDF.

Due Diligence Software

Due diligence software's overarching goal is to minimize the time and effort spent on the due diligence process and maximize time on the analysis.

Investment Operational Due Diligence - AIMA Partnership

Automate full diligence process and allows you to focus on risk insight through detailed analytics and dashboards.

New Era in Due Diligence - Webinar

Learn from Maura Harris, Head of Due Diligence at Bostwick Capital, who has successfully transformed her third-party relationships to achieve more insightful diligence outcomes.

CENTRL and AIMA Partner to Revolutionize the Diligence Process

CENTRL, the company whose software platform is revolutionizing the due diligence process, is proud to announce its partnership with the AIMA, the global representative of the alternative investment industry.

WEBINAR ON DEMAND - AI in Diligence: Transforming Third Party Diligence in Banking - For Both Issuers & Respondents

WEBINAR ON DEMAND - The Power of Digitization: A Practical Deep Dive Into Gaining Effciencies in Due Diligence

WEBINAR ON DEMAND - Transforming the Future of Due Diligence With AI-Powered Solutions

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